Committee Structure

National Coordinating Committee (NCC)

To oversee the implementation of the Framework, a National Coordinating Committee (NCC) was established. The NCC comprises representatives from all public universities, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), Council on Higher Education (CHE), Universities South Africa (USAF) and the Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of South Africa (HELTASA). NCC will guide at a  national level, and monitor implementation at institutional level.

NFfEAUT Executive Management Committee (EMC)

The current EMC consists of 7 members. The committee has a chairperson and a deputy chairperson. The chairperson takes primary responsibility for the management of the project, viz. communication, coordination and execution of the project processes, in collaboration with the EMC and the NCC.

NFfEAUT Executive Management Committee (EMC) Members

Professor Clever Ndebele

Professor Clever Ndebele


Walter Sisulu University
Senior Director: Learning and Teaching

Dr Manyane Makua

Dr Manyane Makua

Deputy Chairperson

Mangosuthu University of Technology(MUT)
Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor: Teaching and Learning

Prof Kasturi Behari-Leak

Prof Kasturi Behari-Leak


University of Cape Town
Dean: Centre for Higher Education Development, UCT
Professor Jo-Anne Vorster

Professor Jo-Anne Vorster


Rhodes University
Head of Department of CHERTL

Dr Kibbie Naidoo

Dr Kibbie Naidoo


University of Johannesburg
Director: Centre for Academic Staff Development, Division for Teaching Excellence
 Ms Mandisa Cakwe

Ms Mandisa Cakwe


​Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET)
​Director – University Capacity Development (UCD)
Ms Rieta Ganas

Ms Rieta Ganas


University of the Witwatersrand
​Educational Developer: Centre for Learning, Teaching and Development, HELTASA President
Member to be announced


Yogeeta Ranchod

Yogeeta Ranchod

Project Co-Ordinator