In her Foreword she wrote:
Effective undergraduate and postgraduate student learning requires a scholarly and professional approach to teaching. Academics are appointed primarily for their disciplinary expertise and research capacity and it is not reasonable to assume that they will automatically be well-equipped to carry out this task. It is therefore essential that, across the career continuum from emerging academics to established professionals, there are development opportunities for university teachers and teaching support professionals, including those in teaching leadership roles. Equally important is the need to recognise, affirm and reward good and experienced Teachers, drawing on their capacities and accommodating their aspirations.

- Enable continuous professional development (CPD) for university teachers.
- Establish and maintain university teacher development structures, organisations and resources.
- Ensure that academics are recognised and rewarded for the work that they do as university teachers.
- Advance university teaching through leadership development.
- Promote knowledge production and knowledge sharing about university teaching and learning.
- Develop expectations of academics in their role as university teachers.